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    One-time payment (£999.00)£1998.00
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    Split pay (3x £333.00)3x £666.00

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Bar Prep Course Academy

This comprehensive course, guided by the BSB Curriculum and Assessment Strategy, provides a condensed version of each module covered on the bar course. You will develop your advocacy skills, practise exam-style questions and gain access to a bank of revision materials for your bar exams.

  • Total payment
  • 1xBar Prep Course Academy£0

All prices in GBP

Bar Prep Course Academy includes:

No-fluff, self-paced curriculum (lifetime access)

BPCA private student community

Access to the Community Forum

Access to the Advocacy Arena 

Access to all future updates & additions to this course as it evolves

100% Satisfaction Guarantee 

We're really proud of our high-quality courses, and your happiness and satisfaction are important to us. If you complete the core modules and for whatever reason aren't happy with your experience, drop us an email (within 30 days of purchasing the course) and we’ll happily refund your entire payment.

"The perfect crash course for any bar students"

- Xena K (BPCA student)

"The resources are exceptional and helped consolidate my knowledge before my exams. "

- Merab A (BPCA student)

"The bar course has been crying out for a prep course. I can honestly say this was the best investment into my career as a barrister "

- Marcus S (BPCA student)

"I didn't know what advocacy looked like before this course. I feel much more confident heading into the bar course and I have no doubt I'll perform better because of it"

- Juliette F (BPCA student)